In this week's episode of A Little Snack, Monolith and Bear Trap get real and rap about the meaning of life and our place in the universe. Is there a purpose to this existence? They ask and answer that question, and others even more consequential, definitively. And they also laugh at that fat joke Obama made about Zach Galifianakis. Discussed: The Seth MacFarlane-produced "Cosmos", Monolith's religion, memories of Carl Sagan, a momentous meeting in Santa Fe between the author of 'Song of Ice and Fire' and the men adapting his work for television, a second chance for Mel Gibson, a simple WoW, the president's important moment spent between two ferns, a re-watching of the second installment of the Adventures of Katniss, a ratings decline for Bryan Fuller's evolving network television masterpiece, a Monolith Moment, and a discussion of 'True Detective' with SPOILERS (but it comes at the end, so most of the podcast can be "enjoyed" by those who have not yet witnessed the splendor of that show's first season). Enjoy, friends!
Show #94